The Music at Our Church

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry of Trinity Baptist Church is an integral part of the church’s goal to involve believers in service and ministry.

This includes both worship-leading and participation. This ministry exists to motivate the gathered church to proclaim the gospel, to be aware of God’s presence, and to live for His glory.


The Trinity Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:15 PM.

When you become a Christian, you become a minister. When God gives you the ability to sing, you also receive the responsibility to be a minister through music. The choir at Trinity Baptist Church is a good place to carry out that facet of your ministry. The Trinity choir is composed of persons who are willing to be used by God to deliver His message to the congregation and community (God-Composer-Worship Leader/Choir Members-Congregation-Community).


The Handbell Ensemble rehearses on Wednesday nights from 5:00-6:00 PM (August to May).

Handbells and Handchimes are a unique and fun way to enjoy and share music in the church. Ringing bells in rehearsal and worship give all ages the opportunity to grow musically and enjoy good fellowship. We ring a variety of musical styles and perform once a month in morning worship. Twice a year we plan outings to play in our local nursing homes.

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