Upcoming Plus 55 Events

The Plus 55 will have their monthly luncheon meeting in the fellowship hall on Monday, February 24, at 11:45 AM. Reservations are requested. On Thursday, February 24, the group will have lunch at the Farmers’ Market in Thomasville. The departure time is 10:00...
Senior Adult Breakfast

Senior Adult Breakfast

The TBC youth would like to say Happy Valentine’s Day to our Plus 55! On Sunday, February 16, at 9:30 AM, please stop by the social hall and grab breakfast on your way to Sunday School.

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee will meet in the Explorers’ Sunday School Classroom on Wednesday, February 12, at 5:00 PM. Please note the new day and time. The committee will meet on the second Wednesday of the month for the rest of the year.
Love Packages

Love Packages

We are collecting old Sunday School Literature, Bibles, religious books, and devotionals for WAFT 101.1’s annual Love Package Mission Project. The deadline to turn in items to the church office is Wednesday, February 19.
Backpack Mission Project

Backpack Mission Project

During the month of February, the Missions Committee is collecting funds for the Colquitt County Schools Backpack Project. You may drop your donation in the offering plate or give online (be sure to put “backpack project” in the memo area of your...

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